
Wet, warm conditions and long pasture are conducive to development and spread of footrot. Symptoms of footrot include lameness, reddening and cracking between the hooves, plus separation of the soft and hard horns from the soft tissue underneath.

Approximately 15 cases of footrot have been reported in the Riverina LHPA district since mid-2011, all of which have been associated with interstate purchases.

The following steps should be undertaken when purchasing new sheep:

  • Inspection prior to purchasing for signs of lameness or recent footrot treatment.

  • Insistence on a Vendor Declaration for footrot.

  • Quarantining new stock and monitoring regularly until these have passed through a spring without developing footrot symptoms

Any lame sheep should be inspected for symptoms, as footrot is a notifiable disease in NSW. LHPA veterinarians can assist in diagnosis and control strategies for footrot.